Centralina WDB Lunch and Learn Event Equips Local Community Colleges with Best Practices for Finish Line Grants
The Centralina WDB hosted a Finish Line Grant Lunch and Learn Event on June 17, 2019 geared toward regional community college staff that work with the state funded grant. Centralina WDB Program Specialist Narissa Knight led this interactive event.
Knight said the meeting covered the responsibilities of the Centralina WDB, the NCWorks Career Centers, and the community colleges in the Finish Line grant process, so each entity had a better understanding of its grant partnership.
“They absolutely left feeling confident and ready to administer the Finish Line Grants to their students,” said Knight about the attendees.
NCWorks Centralina Lead Talent Development Consultant Amy Weatherman, who processes the Finish Line Grants and works with community college staff also participated in the event.
“The Lunch and Learn helped us all get on the same page, every community college operates a little differently so being able to have one streamline process for all the community colleges was very beneficial - where they could actively ask questions and present challenges that they were running into,” said Weatherman.
Weatherman added that as a group they were able to focus on solutions and create a streamline process moving forward.
Finish Line Grants help community college students who face unforeseen financial emergencies complete their training. Finish Line Grants can cover unexpected expenses like emergency childcare, medical costs, car repairs or alternative transportation. To receive a Finish Line Grant, a community college student must be in good academic standing, be at least 50% of the way through their training program, and determined eligible for WIOA services by the local NCWorks Career Center in the Centralina WDB region.
For more information on Finish Line Grant Lunch and Learn events, contact Narissa Knight at 704-348-2718 or nknight@centralina.org. To learn more about Finish Line Grants, click here!
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