The NCWorks Career Center-Rowan was involved in the planning and initiating of a Veterans Job Fair that was be held at the W. G. (Bill) Hefner VA Medical Center in Salisbury on Saturday, November 2, 2019.
Joseph Dismuke, NCWorks Career Center-Rowan Center Leader, praised Career Center staff member Sherry Tillmon as the most instrumental piece to this puzzle. Her diligence and determination proved to be the key to the success of this event.
On the days before the event, Sherry noted that 15 employers confirmed attendance but was sure that more would want to participate once they knew that the people were coming to a Saturday job fair.
She was right. There were over 20 employers who participated in the event with approximately 250 candidates for employers to choose from. The event was a success with the help of NCWorks Career Center-Rowan staff members Wanda Fortner, Michael Jones, and Community Partners including the Rowan County Chamber of Commerce and City of Salisbury.
“I had a feeling that the event was going to be successful when we had two great ladies from the candidate line volunteer to manage the registration table, now that’s showing initiative,” said Dismuke.
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