Within our society it has been suggested that older individuals were being disqualified at a higher rate while applying and interviewing for employment. Reports of this trend seemed to grow with many older individuals attempting to return to the workforce. One of the most important aspect of the Disabled Veterans Outreach Program (DVOP) consultant at the NCWorks Career Centers is helping veterans with significant barriers to employment develop plans to become successful and self-sustaining.
Tony Fleming, DVOP at the NCWorks Career Center-Rowan, is very instrumental in providing those specific services for local veteran Larry Lee.
Larry, who recently has endured a very unstable living environment, wanted to return to the workforce but was concerned that in his 60’s that may have been a difficult undertaking. With Tony Fleming’s direction and guidance, Larry began his studies in Medical Billing and Coding at Rowan-Cabarrus Community College (RCCC).
Larry was also assisted by Rowan Helping Ministries and the Veterans Services of the Carolinas in finding and establishing stable housing. Because of these partnerships, Tony was able to mediate Mr. Lee’s housing issue and lead him on the path to success.
Once Larry completed his course training at RCCC, he was immediately hired by the Compass Groups at the Magnolia Gardens as a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA).
“The goal of the Disabled Veterans Outreach Program is to provide an action plan to get those with significant barrier to employment job ready. We did just that with Mr. Lee and it is so rewarding to help those who are having a tough time in life find employment and breath an easy sigh of relief,” said Tony Fleming.
With the triumph of re-entering the workforce Larry has been instrumental in providing proof that age disparities in the workplace can be reduced with diligence and dedication of NCWorks Career Center DVOPs such as Tony Fleming.
To find out more about our NCWorks Career Centers in the Centralina WDB region, visit www.centralinaworkforce.com.
Tags: Career Seekers Success Stories Career Colleges & Universities Education Educational Services Employment Graduates Income Job Placement Medical Centers & Clinics Personal Services & Care Unemployed
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