The Centralina Workforce Development Board and NCWorks Career Centers are committed to partnerships that help our region’s businesses and workers become a "competitive force in our global economy."
Our Mission: The Centralina Workforce Development Board invests in our community by partnering with economic development,education and businesses to create innovative strategies to serve career seekers and businesses.
Our Vision: To make sure that every one of our region’s businesses can compete in the global economy with an exceptional workforce.
Our customer service-driven team at the NCWorks Career Centers is passionate about preparing workers in economically vital career paths,and supporting businesses through employment and training solutions that help them recruit and retain a qualified,competitive workforce. We implement the vision and strategies of the Centralina Workforce Development Board,to give career seekers and businesses a competitive advantage in an ever-changing economy. Think of us as your human resource team: we are business friendly and success-driven.
For more information about our services,visit our web site at
We are proud partners with NCWorks Career Centers.
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